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Hameln Weekend 17th to 20th August 2012

Thanks to Tony Sweet for the Tee Shirts

Hards Block 1966 30 Sqn

Ohr Park Summer 1966

Dave Rapley,John Gardiner,Scouse Lowton,Willy Williams, Ohr Park 1966. Note building in the background.

Gasthaus from the rear, up the Bismarck Tower 1966

Friday evening 17/8/12 Pied Piper tour

Hochzeitshaus (Wedding House) 1966

Same Block 2012 23 Sqn, New roof, UPVC Double Glazing,Carpet in Barrack rooms, 3 men to a 6 man room, Wardrobes, TV, Divan beds, Duvets, single showers. (The Sarn't Major may even bring morning tea)

Ohr Park Summer 2012

Ohr Park back to farmland 2012

Gasthaus on Bismarck 2012, central part looks original

Saturday 2pm 18/8/12 Barracks tour

Hochzeitshaus (Wedding House) 2012

BBQ Georges Saturday evening 18/8/12